Opinion Pieces
Browse through educative and informative articles published by the KAM team
Mon, 21 Sep 2020
Waste is a resource that has high potential in providing employment and wealth generation opportunities.
However, the conversation on waste cannot be concretized without addressing impediments to proper solid waste management. No wonder, ever so often, clean-up activities are carried out, and just recently, we celebrated the World Cleanup Day, to highlight the need for proper waste management, locally and globally.
Tue, 15 Sep 2020
Growing up, the unspoken norm in my immediate community was that the women were always the organizers and mobilizers of everything. Should there be a cause for celebration, there was a ready group of women that would band together in minutes, contribute and mobilize funds, fuss over celebration logistics and make things happen. This would be replicated in many scenarios. In case of a disaster, for example, these same women – having assessed their strengths and ‘networks’ – will have ready duties assigned to each of them towards organizing, comforting and supporting.
Tue, 08 Sep 2020
If you start a business growing vegetables on your farm and take them to the market, you soon come to realise that there are other farmers both in close proximity to you and far away who are targeting the same market with their vegetables. The quantity, quality and size of the vegetables will determine the market prices and you will have to start figuring out what you need to grow to continue successfully in the market. The ability to do this in a sustained and successful manner is what is referred to as competitiveness.
Tue, 01 Sep 2020
By Judy Njino The COVID-19 pandemic has caused major disruption, damage and loss in the...
Tue, 18 Aug 2020
We have a great advantage as a nation of young, vibrant and highly creative youth. They account for about 75% of Kenya’s population, according to the World Bank. However, they are not adequately enabled to participate in our country’s social, economic and political development.
Wed, 12 Aug 2020
Family owned businesses are estimated to contribute over 70% of global GDP. According to the Family Firm Institute Inc. 85.4% of China’s private enterprises are family owned, in India its 79%, in Europe 60% and 25% in the UK. In Kenya, Asoko Insight released a report last year that identified 490 family-owned firms across various industries, of which 14.3% had annual revenues of over US$ 50 Million and 22 of those companies had revenues over US$ 100 Million per annum.
Tue, 28 Jul 2020
For many small businesses who are navigating these difficult times, they will testify to the fact they keep being bombarded with the word, 'Adaptation'. Whilst it is indeed the most natural direction to take in an unpredictable environment such as this, only in very few cases does adapting mean less expenditure.
Tue, 21 Jul 2020
Every crisis provides a turning point for societies in every aspect; be it social, economic or cultural. It provides a moment of clarity to assess whether the current structures are strong enough to sustain us and carry us into a favourable future.