Opinion Pieces

Browse through educative and informative articles published by the KAM team

  • Tue, 13 Apr 2021
    Why digitization is essential to bolster recovery
    Looking back to March last year, when the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic, most of us never imagined the extent to which the virus would impact us.  Suddenly, our lives changed as measures to promote social distancing and restrict movement, including curfews and lockdowns, were put in place.
  • Tue, 06 Apr 2021
    Promoting local production will lead to regional industrialization
    The establishment of an effective Common External Tariff in the East Africa region will lead to the exponential growth of the manufacturing sector. A Common External Tariff (CET) refers to an import tariff or rate adopted and applied by countries within a common market. This tariff is ideally imposed on products imported from non-member countries, with the intention of promoting industrialization in the common region, enhancing the economic development of member states, and liberalizing regional trade.
  • Tue, 30 Mar 2021
    Building momentum to mitigate climate change
    Thanks to the efforts of young people such as Elizabeth Wanjiru Wathuti and Greta Thunberg who are speaking up and urging the world to pay more attention, climate change is garnering global interest.  Global leaders, young people and even students are now talking about it. Companies on the other hand are thinking about how they can reduce their carbon footprint and their operations’ impact on the environment. 
  • Mon, 01 Mar 2021
    Solve Port challenges to reduce Business Costs
    On 19th February 2021, an international shipping company issued an advisory note to its customers, informing them that due to congestion at the Port of Mombasa, they will be implementing an emergency port congestion surcharge on worldwide cargo bound to, and from Kenya, effective in February, until further notice.
  • Thu, 25 Feb 2021
    Nurture technical skills to revolutionize manufacturing 
    Countries all over the world have prioritized manufacturing in their economic rebound strategies, following the adverse effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.   These countries recognize that a vibrant manufacturing sector culminates into job and wealth creation – and the undeniable ripple effect this has on other sectors of the economy. For instance, it shall improve living standards and increase citizens’ disposable income, hence they are able to afford a variety of services. 
  • Mon, 15 Feb 2021
    Is Kenya AfCFTA-ready?
    For many, the Africa Continental Free Trade Area was a manifestation of the long sought-after Pan African dream - a united continent, bringing together its natural resources in a common market, to the benefit of its people.
  • Thu, 07 Jan 2021
    The power to change history lies with us
    2020 distinguished itself with the superlatives and adjectives it acquired for itself; there is no doubt we lived in extraordinary times – when history was made.
  • Tue, 05 Jan 2021
    Resilient manufacturing sector: Surest way to self-sufficiency
    Every end marks a new beginning, something that each new year presents. Making new resolutions and goals or redefining the existing ones at both personal and organizational levels best demonstrates this. However, to achieve this effectively, we must truly reflect and understand the past year to grow in the upcoming year. 
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