Opinion Pieces
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Mon, 30 May 2016
I would like to add my voice to the on going debate on whether capping interest rates at 4% above the Central Bank Rate will benefit the economy. From a manufacturing point of view, this move could curb the flow of funds to the industrial sector as Banks would resort to lending only to the government and AAA accredited institutions, leaving out SMEs and other borrowers in the cold.
Wed, 20 Apr 2016
Since the introduction of the Tax Procedures Act (2015) many businesses are grappling with the question of the legality of the Withholding Tax. The main reason for this is that the new Act, though welcome, for many reasons scrapped a number of provisions from the Value Added Tax (VAT) Act 2013.
Thu, 31 Mar 2016
Did you know that you can export live chicken and goats duty free to the US under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) scheme?
Tue, 08 Mar 2016
The Manufacturing sector is among priority sectors identified by the Vision 2030, earmarked to catalyse Kenya’s leap to a higher middle income economy. As a key pillar, its notable contributions include 11 per cent share of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2014, 40 per cent of merchandise exports and Ksh 141 billion in both employee compensation, and contributions to Government revenue.
Mon, 08 Feb 2016
The Presidential assent to the Special Economic Zones (SEZ) Act in 2015 is not the be all and end all of the process to establish SEZS. The Country is now currently working on regulations that will guide the establishment and running of SEZs.
Fri, 29 Jan 2016
Someone once asked me what I know about Angola, and I excitedly started to list all the things I had seen, and read on numerous books and watched in TV channels. When I was finished, she asked me if I had been to Angola and if I know these things to be true. I said I hadn’t.