Opinion Pieces

Browse through educative and informative articles published by the KAM team

  • Mon, 10 Oct 2016
    Counties are the Cornerstones of our Economic Sustainability
    The Subnational Doing Business Report that was released this week made one thing clear, that every country, no matter the rankings on the indicators, has good practices that can be adopted by other counties to help improve our country’s overall competitiveness.
  • Mon, 10 Oct 2016
    Mega Infrastructure Projects are the Key to Sustainable Development
    If there’s one thing that all the high level meetings held in Nairobi in the past 18 months have shown is that ‘African solutions to African problems’ is not just a pretty decorative phrase but a goal that can be achieved should we prioritize our needs and dedicate the right resources towards them.
  • Mon, 10 Oct 2016
    Power Reliability is Non-negotiable for our Economic Development
    Perhaps it’s time that we have an earnest conversation as a country about the economic factors that slow us down and will keep us at a 5.6% growth rate for decades. And maybe we need to reorganize our priorities so that our approach to important issues is not deemed as casual.
  • Thu, 29 Sep 2016
    Towards a Water-Smart Industrial Future
    Continued growth and investment in our country’s largest urban centers is placing an increasing strain on water and wastewater systems. For example, water supply in Nairobi today is estimated to be 20 percent below total demand. If current trends continue, this deficit is expected to be more than 60 percent by 2035.
  • Tue, 30 Aug 2016
    TICAD: Japan’s Invaluable Contribution to Kenya’s Quality Standards
    The 6th TICAD conference that was held in Nairobi last week was significant for many reasons one being that this was the first time the conference was held in Africa, and that Nairobi in particular​ ​was a choice destination is not a small feat. The conference was not just about the Kshs 3 Trillion promised by Japan for projects that will boost their trade with Africa.​
  • Thu, 14 Jul 2016
    Further Burdening the Industry Will Make Us Uncompetitive
    There’s a simple reason why the top 30 countries in ease of doing business index have remained in the same position for years, and why Singapore has been labelled as the ‘easiest place to do business for a decade'.
  • Wed, 13 Jul 2016
    Building Robust SME Ecosystems to Strengthen African Economies
    As a continent we are increasingly experiencing the difference made by Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs). SMEs have, over the years, become a reliable business segment through which African investors have innovatively built agile strategies to meet the dynamic needs of different communities.
  • Thu, 23 Jun 2016
    What Opportunities Does The Kenya – Ethiopia Bilateral Trade Present to Business Communities?
    The Kenya Economic Update released by the World bank earlier this year termed Kenya as a ‘solid performer among its peer groups’ owing to a consistent growth rate of 6per cent between 2006-2014. However, in the same breath the study shows that our country cannot keep pace with East African peers whose annual growth rate is way above 6 per cent.
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