Opinion Pieces

Browse through educative and informative articles published by the KAM team

  • Thu, 14 Jul 2016
    Further Burdening the Industry Will Make Us Uncompetitive
    There’s a simple reason why the top 30 countries in ease of doing business index have remained in the same position for years, and why Singapore has been labelled as the ‘easiest place to do business for a decade'.
  • Wed, 13 Jul 2016
    Building Robust SME Ecosystems to Strengthen African Economies
    As a continent we are increasingly experiencing the difference made by Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs). SMEs have, over the years, become a reliable business segment through which African investors have innovatively built agile strategies to meet the dynamic needs of different communities.
  • Thu, 23 Jun 2016
    What Opportunities Does The Kenya – Ethiopia Bilateral Trade Present to Business Communities?
    The Kenya Economic Update released by the World bank earlier this year termed Kenya as a ‘solid performer among its peer groups’ owing to a consistent growth rate of 6per cent between 2006-2014. However, in the same breath the study shows that our country cannot keep pace with East African peers whose annual growth rate is way above 6 per cent.
  • Thu, 09 Jun 2016
    Industry Wins from 2016 Budget
    The Kenyan economy has been growing robustly at an average of 6 per cent amid global economic slowdown, according to the Budget statement delivered by the Cabinet Secretary, Henry Rotich yesterday.
  • Tue, 07 Jun 2016
    Manufacturers’ Expectations for 2016 Budget
    As the budget is read this week, there are four things I would like to point out which we wish to see tackled in the 2016 budget. If addressed, these issues could take manufacturing a long way forward. The first is the key issue of VAT refunds which has dogged us for years.
  • Fri, 03 Jun 2016
    Traditional CSR No Longer Works
    In the recent months we have witnessed unfortunate incidences in the corporate scene that have made us question whether our local businesses have taken the time to institute corporate governance in their operations.
  • Mon, 30 May 2016
    Capping Interest Rates is not Good for the Industrial Sector
    I would like to add my voice to the on going debate on whether capping interest rates at 4% above the Central Bank Rate will benefit the economy. From a manufacturing point of view, this move could curb the flow of funds to the industrial sector as Banks would resort to lending only to the government and AAA accredited institutions, leaving out SMEs and other borrowers in the cold.
  • Wed, 20 Apr 2016
    Withholding Tax Vagueness is a Raw Deal for Industry
    Since the introduction of the Tax Procedures Act (2015) many businesses are grappling with the question of the legality of the Withholding Tax. The main reason for this is that the new Act, though welcome, for many reasons scrapped a number of provisions from the Value Added Tax (VAT) Act 2013.
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