Opinion Pieces

Browse through educative and informative articles published by the KAM team

  • Thu, 10 Aug 2017
    Government Economic Policy Must be Clearly Articulated for it to be Effective
    The competitiveness and profitability of any business is hugely impacted by changes in market regulations and government policies. It is for this reason that consistency in regulations and predictability of these policies is fundamental to the stability of local businesses, as changing them would require a major shift in long-term business plans and daily operations.
  • Tue, 18 Jul 2017
    Why Political Dialogue is Central for Economic Growth
    Every election cycle is a chance for us to evaluate our democratic and political maturity as a nation. One of the ways we do this is by creating public platforms of civic engagement through which dialogue between the aspirants and the electorate can be held.
  • Wed, 12 Jul 2017
    What Does a Declining Retail Sector Spell out for our Nation?
    I am not certain that we, as a nation, have fully grasped the extent to which a declining retail sector can negatively impact our entire economy. Let us imagine a scenario that well illustrates the gravity of the matter.
  • Thu, 15 Jun 2017
    How Counties Can Benefit from Environmental Governance
    At the heart of building an investor-attractive county, is the need to demonstrate a clean and pleasant environment which allows business to run smoothly.
  • Thu, 08 Jun 2017
    We Need to Change our Attitude on Waste
    There will be 1.4 billion more people in cities around the world in the next 8 years and each person will be producing an average of 1.42kg of municipal solid waste per day, according to the World Economic Forum.
  • Tue, 06 Jun 2017
    The Creative Industry can Champion Sustainable Consumption
    Our quest to attain a green economy should be broad-based and inclusive. But we cannot achieve this if the vision of sustainability is not shared by every one of us.
  • Mon, 22 May 2017
    Predictability Earns Investor Trust
    For any economy to attract investments, it must be able to earn and maintain investor trust. Both local and foreign investors gain confidence to trade in a business environment that guarantees a stable and predictable macroeconomic framework for businesses.
  • Tue, 16 May 2017
    How Impactful is our ‘Inclusivity’?
    Presently, there are 145,000 millionaires in the continent with a combined wealth of $800 billion. This is according to the Africa Wealth Report released this month which also states that there will be 36% more millionaires by the year 2020.
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