Opinion Pieces
Browse through educative and informative articles published by the KAM team
Tue, 17 Jul 2018
The Government has prioritized the Manufacturing Sector in the Big 4 Agenda primarily because, through local content provision, it functions as a support provider and catalyst for achievement of the other pillars.
Tue, 10 Jul 2018
Today, Kenya finds itself in an awkward yet promising position in its history. For one thing, our unemployment rate is arguably one of the highest in the East African region.
Wed, 04 Jul 2018
The convenience and hygiene offered by plastic bottles for beverages is a commonly accepted fact all over the world. We have become accustomed to even keeping and reusing plastic bottles that we have purchased, in our homes, places of work and recreational spaces.
Tue, 26 Jun 2018
The fight against illicit has gone into full gear in the past few weeks, revealing the extent to which the criminal networks have proliferated our country and posed serious threat to the lives and safety of all citizens.
Tue, 05 Jun 2018
A fortnight ago, a photograph of a ditch strewn with discarded water bottle went viral on social media in the wake of the Mater Heart Run.
Tue, 29 May 2018
All our good intentions on economic and social development amount to nothing if every single step we take in the right direction is dealt a huge resounding blow by corruption.
Tue, 22 May 2018
Illicit trade and counterfeit goods will be the biggest impediments to Kenya achieving its economic goals.
Wed, 09 May 2018
The textiles and apparels sector has been identified as a priority sector by the Kenyan Government.