Opinion Pieces
Browse through educative and informative articles published by the KAM team
Tue, 26 Mar 2019
The idea behind the decentralization of Government into devolved units was a noble one. Its main intent was to ensure that each and every Kenyan citizen can have an equal chance at living a productive quality life.
Tue, 19 Mar 2019
The commitment by the Government to accord more support to SMEs comes at a critical time when the manufacturing sector is expected to create 1.3 million jobs and contribute 15% to GDP by 2022.
Tue, 12 Mar 2019
Many consider plastic to be one to be of the most revolutionary inventions of the past century playing a significant part in the world economy and people’s daily lives.
Tue, 05 Mar 2019
Evidently, the novelty and productivity that women bring into a business is being lauded across the world for having a reverberating effect on all growing economies.
Tue, 26 Feb 2019
At the end of the week we shall usher in the Month of March and in a few days we shall mark the world International Women’s Day.
Tue, 19 Feb 2019
The Affordable Housing and Manufacturing Pillars of the Big 4 Agenda are very central to realizing a high quality of life and reducing poverty for all citizens.
Wed, 30 Jan 2019
Taxation is a key element in cost of doing business and hence should be designed to optimize growth of industry and increase overall competitiveness.
Wed, 23 Jan 2019
In 1965, a tiny country in Asia was expelled by its ‘Mother Country’. At its point of departure from the Federation of Malaysia, Singapore, a 580-square Kilometer Island, had no natural resources to speak of and no established industries.