Manufacturers cite priority areas to spark industrial growth in 2018

Kenya Association of Manufacturers (KAM) has today launched the Manufacturing Priority Agenda (MPA) 2018 under the theme Sparking Kenya’s Industrial Transformation for Job Creation.

The agenda highlights the need to create a sector that has a multiplier effect in the economy resulting in job and wealth creation. It outlines immediate action that will yield tangible results in the short term, and work towards reigniting the economic development of the country.

Speaking at the launch, Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of  Industry, Trade and Cooperative, Mr. Adan Mohamed noted that the manufacturing sector is a key part of the big four government agenda because of its impact to the economy.

“The Government has prioritised manufacturing as one of its four main pillars in the next 5 years. The manufacturing sector is key as it is a link to the other three (health, housing and food security) pillars. The priority agenda that the manufacturers have put together is commendable. We therefore need to unpack the Agenda in order to transform the manufacturing sector going forward,” added Mr. Mohamed.

KAM Chairlady, Ms Flora Mutahi noted that the manufacturing sector is the muscle behind productive employment and opportunities for wealth generation with direct linkages to all sector of the economy.

As industry, we applaud the Government’s renewed commitment to the sector. It is thus a year to give the manufacturing sector the much deserved attention in terms of policy direction and investments.

As industry, we aim to contribute 15 percent to the economy with the hope of creating more jobs for our youths. We are keen to see manufacturing centralized in our national vision towards creating an inclusive political economy. The sector should dominate discussions on nation building, equal distribution of resources and poverty alleviation,” added Ms. Mutahi.

Speaking during the launch, KAM Chief Executive, Ms. Phyllis Wakiaga noted that the Agenda is the Association’s contribution in shaping policies and regulatory frameworks that enable local businesses and trade partnerships thrive.

“The Manufacturing Priority Agenda outlines the immediate action that will yield tangible results in the short term, and work towards the aforementioned industry goals. This will catalyze the competitiveness of local industry that will be alluded to as well as enable our local manufacturers to compete on an international platform,” added Ms. Wakiaga.

The priority areas will be driven under five key pillars which, if strengthened, will lead to a more competitive environment and impactful economic gains for Kenya’s industrial sector. These are:

1.     A competitiveness and Level playing field

2.     Export driven manufacturing

3.     Pro-industry policy and institutional framework

4.     Government driven SMEs development

5.     Securing the future of manufacturing industry

Download MPA 2018>>

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