Kilifi County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP) 2018- 2022

Department of Finance and Economic Planning, Kilifi County is spearheading the preparation of the County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP) 2018-2022. The department held a workshop to review and validate the draft concept note for their CIDP 2018-2022.

The CIDP is a vital document for county planning and budgeting. It is also the key component of the County Performance Management Framework (CPMF) that incorporates the development priorities of Kenya Vision 2030 as implemented in a series of successive five year Medium Term Plan. KAM participation in its development is key as it contains priorities that support conducive environment for industrialization.

KAM will benefit from a framework that takes cognizance of the existing and unique administrative structures, statutory and regulatory provisions and apply lessons learnt from practice to guide the process for preparing the CIDP 2018-2022.

Speaking at the workshop, Head of Department, Mr. Wilberforce Mwinga mentioned that Steering committee would be made up of the Governor, County Executive Committee Members and County Budget and Education Forum (CBEF).

The steering committee will be chaired by the Governor and will:

  • Provide guidance and advice at all stages of the process of the production of the CIDP;
  • Validate and endorse the Sessional Paper on the CIDP 2018-2022 to be tabled in the County Assembly for approval.
  • Identify Economic Bills to be fast-tracked for enactment by the County Assembly to facilitate implementation of the CIDP 2018-2022

Mr. Mwinga added that CIDP stakeholders forum will be made up of the County Chief Officers (Directors as alternate members), Clerk of the County Assembly, all Key Stakeholders such as Private Sector, Religious Organizations; Media; Universities and Research Institutions; UN Agencies; Development Partners; CSOs; Youth, Women and all the Disadvantaged Groups. KAM will have an opportunity in the stakeholder’s forum to push for its priority.

The Stakeholders forum will be chaired by the Chief Officer Finance and Economic Planning and will be charged with:

  • Facilitating the consultative process of preparation of CIDP 2018-2022 by informing Organization/Institutions members about planned activities and how they can participate in the process:
  • Provide input and advice on the organization of the Stakeholders Forums;
  • Participate in the Departmental/Sector Working Groups chaired by the Chief Officers of respective departments;
  • Serve as a consensus building forum and advice for action/ measures to improve the consultative process.

There will also be a secretariat county planning unit, which will be made up of representatives from all Department, Co-opted Members; Budget Office of the County Assembly, Key Stakeholders; Private Sector Organizations; Universities and Research Institutions and Pwani University.

The Secretariat to the County Planning Unit will draw representatives from all the departments. The secretariat will coordinate the Departmental/Sector Working Groups which will be chaired by respective Chief Officers to:

  • Undertake situational analysis for the Departments/Sector highlighting achievements, constraints, bottlenecks in achieving targets and remaining challenges;
  • Mainstream Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in the CIDP;
  • Link the CIDP to the Third Medium Term Plan of Vision 2030;
  • Prepare an implementation matrix which costs the programmes, projects and timelines as well as implementing agencies;
  • Develop implementation plan for selected flagship projects for CIDP 2018-2022;

The process of developing this CIDP is scheduled for the month of September starting with the review of successes, challenges and lessons learnt from the current one, Stakeholder forums will be held at the ward and county level for consultations with consensus building to be held by September 30th to November 17th. Revised draft by December 17th and validation and approval by January 18th as well as publication and launching.


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