KAM, KNCHR launch a report on salt sector’s compliance to Human Rights

Kenya Association of Manufacturers (KAM) in partnership with the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights (KNCHR) launched the Malindi Public Inquiry Audit Report to establish compliance with the Human Rights Principles and Standards by salt manufacturers.

The audit, that was conducted in February 2017 by KNCHR, was premised upon the 2006 Public Inquiry into allegations of Human Rights violations arising from the activities of salt manufacturing companies in Magarini in Malindi sub- County.

Speaking during the event, KAM CEO Ms Phyllis Wakiaga noted that the single most important function of a well-established manufacturing base for any country is to create social equity, reduce inequality and alleviate poverty.

Respect for Human Rights as embedded in international standards and local laws ensures industry contribution to sustainable development is meaningful and lasting. We continue to work with Salt manufacturing companies in our membership through a multi-stakeholder engagement model to ensure industry contribution to human rights and development is both positive and sustainable,’  said Ms Wakiaga.

Also present at the event, KNCHR Vice Chairperson, Commissioner George Morara reiterated the importance of businesses supporting and respecting the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights, adding that it is essential for industry to ensure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.

The Report has demonstrated the different levels of compliance as well as best practices adopted by some companies. Development of tools, both qualitative and quantitative data was collected through inspection of individual companies and interviews with the company Directors and Workers.The report is an opportunity for those companies lagging behind to learn and adopt best practices from fellow salt companies,’said commissioner Morara

The salt industry is a key sector in Kilifi county, and employs over 1,100 workers directly from the community and contributes substantially to the socio-economic development of the county through various social investments.

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