Center for Green Growth

The Global agenda on greening manufacturing revolves around energy efficiency and circular economy. Around the world, there is a growing need to adopt a green and sustainable manufacturing sector. With technology advancement, the need to safeguard the environment, the changing market requirements and the need for more value-add solutions to industries, the Kenya Association of Manufacturers is expanding its scope beyond energy efficiency.

Green Growth and Climate Change means enhancing manufacturing in Kenya to foster the growth of circular economy and development whilst ensuring that natural assets continue to provide the necessary resources in a sustainable manner while checking and mitigating the impacts caused by extraction of these resources to the environment.

The Centre for Green Growth and Climate Change (CGGCC) at the Kenya Association of Manufacturers (KAM) seeks to deepen industries’ level interventions to become a one-stop solution center promoting circular economy, import-substitution, climate change actions, and financial linkages. The center will prioritize people, planet, and profit to improve the manufacturers’ bottom-line while preserving the environment for future generations.

In advancing Circular Economy and Green Growth, the Center seeks to reach out to industry with value – add services and products that will address the reduction in CO2 emissions, create a circular economy, improve on energy and resource efficiency and enhance human capacity at the firm level to drive green growth and climate change initiatives.

Kenya Association of Manufacturers, in line with the Government commitment to greening manufacturing under the National Climate Change Action Plan 2018-2022, (NCCAP) recognizes the role of manufacturing in combating climate change.

In responding to the requirements and obligations under the NCCAP, KAM has identified the following focus areas for action:

  1. Sustainable Use of Energy and Energy Efficiency
  2. Circular Economy and Resource Efficiency and Management
  3. Water and Water efficiency
  4. Innovations and Technology
  5. Financing for Green Growth and Climate change programs
  6. Enhancing Human Capacity in Climate Change and Green Growth
  7. Compliance with NEMA Regulations
  8. Monitoring and Evaluation of achievements

Programs under the Center for Climate Change and Green Growth are therefore aligned to the National overall objective as enshrined in the NCCAP 2018 – 2022.

Programs under the Centre for Green Growth

To deepen our firm-level interventions, KAM, through the newly formed Centre for Green Growth and Climate Change, promises to be a one-stop solution center for energy efficiency and climate change issues. It will be anchored in four pillars:

  1. Resource Efficiency Services: This will include energy, water, and wastewater audits, waste, and circular This is with the aim to improve the overall profitability of firms by focusing on efficient use of Energy, Water and Waste, and carrying out process optimization and environmental compliance.
  2. Capacity building: The aim of this will be to develop expert human capital and will include:

Energy Efficiency Programme:

  • Certified Energy Manager (CEM)
  • Certified Measurement and Verification Protocol (CMVP)
  • Energy Auditing
  • Solar T3
  • Performance Improvement of Boilers and Steam Systems
  • ESCO Model Training

Process Optimisation Programme: 

  • Circularity Optimisation
  • Resource Management
  • Carbon Footprint Analyst
  • Sustainable Financing
  • Circular Economy Mapping
  • Performance Improvement of Boilers and Steam Systems
  • Pneumatic Convey and Compressed Air


  • Environmental Compliance
  • Electrical Safety Compliance
  1. Green Financing: The Centre for Green Growth and Climate Change will offer financial linkages to increase implementation of energy efficiency and renewable energy projects among
  2. Awards and Expos: The Centre will also organize expos and awards to recognize and award the best performing industries. This aims at increasing awareness on energy efficiency, sustainability, renewable energy, and circular

Focus areas for CGGCC

  1. Create Financial linkages to finance Green Growth
  2. Promote investments in Circular economy and green growth
  3. Promote technology transfer and best practices in the area of green technologies
  4. Human capacity building to drive the green growth initiatives at the firm level
  5. Sustainable resource utilization

For more information:

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