Business Community Seeks Urgent Interventions on Inter-County Trade Challenges

Kenya Association of Manufacturers (KAM) today engaged with public institutions dealing with revenue generation in counties in view of addressing Inter-County trade challenges in the country.

Manufacturers cited issues such as company drivers being arrested and harassed by county officers, Losses in terms of damaged goods and spoilt fresh produce when it is impounded as county officers make demands for branding fees and other charges, lack of legislation to guide revenue management and the lack of utilisation of ICT in revenue collection among others.

Speaking at the forum, KAM CEO, Phyllis Wakiaga stated that manufacturers are still facing challenges in inter-county trade despite intervention through policy formulation and legal frameworks in place. “We have received numerous complaints by manufacturers on the multiplicity of charges and fees levied by the County Governments affecting operations within the counties.”

KAM partnered with the Commission on Revenue Allocation (CRA) during 2014 and 2015 to address multiplicity of Licenses, fees and Charges which saw the development of policy documents that would guide the development of county revenue laws that are constitutional. The Guidelines were adopted by Counties yet, harmonisation in the counties has not been achieved as was anticipated.

CRA CEO, Mr. George Ooko indicated that the Counties have come along way and a lot still needs be done. “Devolution has brought development in major counties, creating markets and expanding investment opportunities. However, there is need to offer support to individual counties to address these challenges.”

Secretary General of the County Assemblies Forum Hon. Albert Kochei recommended KAM to support capacity building of revenue public officers to enable them understand the provisions of the constitution on revenue management. “County governments need to be sensitive to the role of business community in the counties. All counties need attorneys to support their legislative development including revenue management.“

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