Kenya Association of Manufacturers (KAM) and Wildlife Clubs of Kenya have today launched a joint initiative geared towards raising awareness on issues of plastic bottle waste management to younger generations. The project is intended to influence perceptions on littering, reusing and recycling of plastic bottle waste.
Through this initiative, KAM through Wildlife Clubs of Kenya will tour Nairobi institutions to champion plastic bottle waste management and encourage the students to be environmental champions.
Speaking at the launch held at Moi Avenue Primary school Nairobi, Chief Administrative Secretary, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Mr. Mohammed Elmi encouraged students to take ownership of every single plastic bottle they use and ensure its proper disposal is maintained.
‘I am delighted to be a part of this initiative that represents a much welcomed systemic shift which builds long-term resilience among the school-going children, on matters waste management. Furthermore, this project is keen to enhance the environmental and societal benefits which exist in recycling and upcycling of plastic waste. Plastics aren’t necessarily bad for the environment. Rather, it’s the way we dispose them that creates the problem,’
‘The Ministry of Environment and Forestry is willing to support this initiative through facilitating easier collection of plastic bottle waste in readiness for recycling, treatment and ultimately reuse,’ Mr Elmi remarked.
On his part, KAM Vice Chairman Mr Mucai Kunyiha reiterated the industry’s commitment to pursue all avenues of engagement with the general public including the youth and students.
‘Kenya is among the few African countries that have made strides in tackling plastic pollution. We are tackling this challenge as a team. And now, you, students, can be a part of this environmental transformation. We want you to be brand ambassadors who champion recycling among your peers in the community’ Mr Mucai said.
He added ‘I believe children have an intrinsic ability to influence their parents, siblings and communities to adopt more sustainable ways of handling plastic bottles at a household level,” Mr Mucai concluded.
This initiative will engage in production and distribution of educational materials to Wildlife clubs in schools, education and training of school youth on how to manage PET bottles in schools and communities, develop an incentive programs to encourage the best practice in PET plastic bottles management in schools and incorporate collection bins in schools to aid in collecting plastic waste from homes and schools.