KAM Launches Segregated Waste Bin to Increase Recycling

Manufacturers partner with Dandora HipHop City in a Community Clean-Up Activity

Kenya Association of Manufacturers (KAM) has today launched a segregated waste bin at Westlands stage terminal to help facilitate recycling of PET plastic bottles and to promote effective waste management.

To mark the National Clean- up month that is celebrated annually in September, KAM in partnership with Dandora Hip Hop City today participated in Westland’s area community clean-up drive, where a PET plastic bottles collection waste bin was launched.

Speaking during the ceremony, Job Wanjohi, KAM Head of Policy, Research and Advocacy said PET waste management initiative is part of the manufacturing industry’s commitment to solid waste management. The aim is to develop a sustainable post-consumer environmental solution through a series of activities that can be replicated around the city and across the country.

“The bins will help us to proactively respond to the environmental challenges of littering and reducing waste going to our landfill. As KAM, we support responsible disposal of plastic bottles and stand with the industries promoting this,” Mr. Wanjohi said.

On his part, Nairobi City County CEC Environment, Water, Energy and Natural Resources, Larry Wambua stressed that recycling does more than help the environment-it can help local businesses and expand jobs along the recycling value chain for our youth.

“This clean-up in Westlands, though small, is a giant step in effective waste management with opportunities along the recycling value chain,” Mr. Wambua said. Adding that: “There is need for members of the communities to come together to clean their environments to ensure they live in clean and safe environment.”

Westlands clean-up is one of the clean-ups organized by KAM. Previously, manufacturers have participated in clean-ups in Narok County, Eldoret town, Kayole and is set to extend the drive to other parts of the country. The clean-up activities will supplement Nairobi City County Safisha Jijimonthly clean-up activities and serve as a call to action to other stakeholders to spear head similar initiatives within their neighborhoods.

As part of the campaign KAM is also recruiting sustainability champions and has subsequently partnered with Dandora HipHop City, a Community based organization to use music to create awareness on effective waste management.

KAM also leverage on the event to create awareness on responsible waste management by using music and the arts as it seeks to build sustainability champions.

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