KAM Central Chapter, led by Chapter Chair Anup Bid, engaged Kenya Power (KPLC) team on 12th September 2017 with the aim to enhance service delivery to industries in the regions. Key among the issues raised by manufactures include recurring power outages which are costly, resulting in huge losses, particlulary to sensitive industrial processes.
Manufacturers in the region sought for reliable and stable power supply, which is crucial in ensuring minimal production interruptions.
The chair thanked the KPLC team for their initiative to engage the industries, which he hailed a step forward toward improved working relations. He noted that prompt response, adequate feedback and prior communications on power interruptions are very crucial to industries for production planning purposes.
On his part, Eng. Tare retaliated KPLC’s commitment in ensuring quality services and customer satisfaction especially for large power consumers. “Creation of Whatsapp groups for customers was one of the ways KPLC is improving customer care,” added Mr. Tare. He went on to urge the industries to make use of the groups.
It was agreed that there will be regular meetings to monitor the progress on various issues raised.